Friday, January 19, 2007

The Air Freshener Dilemma

It was yet another hot day and because of that, I couldn't nap properly. Fed up, I got up from bed and went straight into the bathroom to shower. But when I got out, a funny smell seemed to have engulfed the room:

Ben: *sniff* *sniff* Dude, did Calvin Klein enter our room and explode?
Kim (Roommate): I am so sorry about that. A dump truck stopped right in front of our house for a good 5 minutes. The smell got really nauseating so I discharged a generous amount of air freshener.
Ben: And what are you sorry?
Kim: See, at first I thought the smell came from you. So I kinda, sorta focused most of the discharging.. on your bed.
Ben: You did what?!
Kim: You ARE notoriously known for your BO. I saw you getting up from bed with sweat all over your body and automatically assumed the smell came from you.
Ben: But that still doesn't give you the right to carpet bomb my bed with half a can of air freshener!!
Kim: I'm sorry but the smell was really bad! It isn't after I heard the dump truck pull away that I realised my mistake.
Ben: *sniff* Gawd, even the powerpuff girls would wear gas masks to sleep on my bed now. *sniff* On second thought, this isn't so bad.
Kim: It isn't?
Ben: Think about it. This would actually save me a lot of time from putting on deodorant. In fact if there's enough, I could just roll on my bed whenever I feel dirty and avoid showering ALTOGETHER! Genius! (Proceeds to spray more of Kim's air freshener on his bed).
Kim: Your head broke a lot of falls when you were younger, didn't it?



It's nice that you watch the powerpuff girls Ben. Men are always encouraged to get in touch with their feminine side. I always say it's much better to find the child inside instead!

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